New License Application and Surveys

A Complete Mining Solution at Every Mining Stage

At GeoAfrica Consultancy, we take the guesswork out of mining projects. We offer a complete solution, from initial exploration all the way through to mine closure and rehabilitation. Our services encompass everything you need: permitting (reconnaissance, exploration & mining licenses), environmental and social studies (ESMPs, ESIAs), mine design and safety expertise, environmental monitoring (air, water, noise, radioactivity), exploration management (target generation, GIS, geological surveys) and feasibility studies. We even provide support for blasting operations, magazine management, and ground mining services. Explore our full list of services below.

  • Reconnaissance Licence application
  • Exploration Licence Application
  • Mining Licence Application
  • Environmental Social Management Plan (ESMP)
  • Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Environmental Audit
  • Mine design
  • Mine safety policy
  • Air quality monitoring
  • Water quality assessment
  • Noise survey
  • Radioactivity surveys
  • Explosives (Blasting operations, Magazine management etc.)
  • Exploration Target Generation
  • Exploration Geographic Information System
  • Exploration Management
  • Geological Survey
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Mine Feasibility Study
  • Mine Closure and Rehabilitation
  • Ground Mining Services