We Are GeoAfrica Consultancy!

Your Preferred Exploration and Mining Partner

GeoAfrica Consultancy Limited is designed to provide local expertise for companies looking to operate in the mining industry in Malawi. We provide tailormade services to suit our clients’ needs. Our exploration capabilities are handled by a specialist team.

What We Do

Powering smarter decisions

We have skilled teams of professional geologists, geochemists and geophysicists with over 20 years of experience working in Malawi on a wide range of commodities and deposit styles.

Our Vision

To become provide lasting opportunities in the extractive industry to all Malawians for the betterment of their communities and livelihood

Our Mission

Our goal is to become the leading provider of exploration and mining services throughout Malawi.

Our Values

Our core values include integrity, transparency, accountability, and reliability in all our operations.

Join the companies already using GeoAfrica Consultancy

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Jane Doe

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John Doe